What We Do
The Saskatchewan Youth in Care & Custody Network (SYICCN) exists to make sure youth involved in government care (foster care and youth custody) are able to have a voice in their lives and meaningful participation in their community. By coming together youth are able to make lasting friendships, make change to provincial systems, participate in healthy activities, and most of all have fun!
Local Youth in Care Networking
Building lifelong connections through youth networking
Local Networks are groups of young people in and from care, ages 14 to 24. Each local Network is supported by "adult supports," front-line volunteers from the ministries of Justice and Social services. The purpose of each local network is to provide fun activities for young people in/from care in their area to connect with other young people from care, share experiences, make meaningful connections and friends, and get away from regular "programs."
Local Networks get together at different times throughout the year. This could be as much as every week to as little as once a month, depending on what the youth participants decide and how much support is offered through the region they reside in.
Local networks should be youth-directed, with the help of excellent adult support people!
Each network’s activities vary as it is up to the participants to decide what they want to do. Some things local networks do: skiing, camping trips, bowling, movie nights, crafts, fitness, attending sporting games (Riders, Thunder, etc), picnics, pizza nights, swimming, VR nights, feasts, dances, etc. Each local YIC Network is unique and should strive to create positive fun events that the young people are interested in.
Networking is a right, supported by the Ministry of Social Services and is outlined in the Children Services Manual (Ch. 3.10)

- Regina
- Saskatoon
- Prince Albert
- Nipawin
- Melfort
For more information on Local youth networks in Saskatchewan or how to start one in your area please contact the SYICCN office.
Adult Supports
Youth in Care Networks work best with a network of support built up around them. In Saskatchewan there have been several “core groups” of youth over the years. One factor that has contributed to their success has been consistent adult support. Our Adult Support persons also participate in many of the provincial and national conferences, roundtables, focus groups and projects.
Adults from all areas of the child welfare and young offenders programs are welcome to participate in Youth in Care, as well as any other interested members of the community. Adults who:
- are not afraid of youth empowerment;
- believe in and respect the expertise/voice of youth in care/custody;
- have the energy and time available; and
- have a vested interest in working WITH youth
For more information on how to become an Adult Support please contact the SYICCN office.
For Youth
SYICCN members and staff are able to capture and boost youth voice, through various engagement opportunities, in order to make improvements to the many of the services they receive. SYICCN members are also able to come together and participate in many other exciting events and opportunites throughout the year.
Youth Engagement Opportunities
- Research Projects
- Focus Groups
- Storytelling
- Retreats
- Bi-ennial Youth Conference
Other Events
- Volunteering
- Cooking Classes
- Sporting Events and Activities
- Art Projects
- Live Theatre
- Annual AGM & BBQ
- Child & Youth in Care Week
For Adult & Community Allies
As an organization we are a valuable resource to those who work with young people, from government, other non-profit organizations, community partners, caregivers, and the public. We address a wide range of topics, some of which include:
- The Stigma of being in Foster Care and/or Youth Custody
- Leadership and Participation
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Education and Employment
- Positive examples of "Life After Care"